Cummings Angwin The Future Shape of Strategy DNS

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Value Chimera - a framework that allows management to respond to changing environment overtime (single body - many heads)

In the past seen as a hierarchical structure - Execs - strategy. Mgt - Strategy Implementation Line Managers - operations

Others see strategy emerging out of day-to-day interactions between employees and customers, rather than long-term plans or rational forethought

Paradoxes - Porter said differentiate or low cost. Ghoshal and Bartlett says differentiate and cut cost

Porter says create value chain to improve competitive position with customer and built profits. Other say that customer should be part of the value chain and influencing it

New Perspectives
Organisations are.. Triangular Hierarchies Organigraphs
Strategy is.. Long Term Planning Responsive to customer needs
Strategy comes from... Top Management Emerges anywhere is the organisation
Key Personnel are... Top management and consultants Employees who interact with customers
Strategic choice is.. Either generic either/or local / global Local and global
Measure of strategy Efficiency Flexible value webs

What is stopping the revolution?

  • Traditional ways of teaching strategy - Ansoff/Porter
  • Being risk averse - best practice

The Reeds framework - All products must have be able to compete on the Hygiene Factors for a basis for competing - ie the car must work. But now then each car must identify with small clusters of identities that appeal to people

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