Perspectives on Decision-making

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Plan- Intended strategy - e.g. Catching a plane at a particular time of day in the future Ploy - To outwit the competition. e.g. Build a new plant to raise the barriers if entry and not just to expand Pattern - Strategy that emerges from the patern of many decisions Position - Alignment with the environment or to gain competitive advantage - can be planned or emergent Perspective - Continuous and radiacl change. Ie Nokia started in the paper industry. IBM favors a marketing perspective. HP an engineering perspective. Perspectives can be embeeded in industry types. eg. Universities tend to have the same types of strategies

Perspectives change over time 1960 Planning - Boston Box 1970's Pay-offs- diversification 1980's Content of d-m - looking at them as processes

Hickson characterised d-m as Constricted ( small nos stakeholders) Fluid - Continuous and smooth or Sporadic - discontinuous

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