What is Strategy

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There are at least three basic forms of strategy in the business world and it helps to keep them straight. The objectives of this brief paper are to clarify the general concept of strategy and draw attention to the importance of distinguishing among three forms of strategy: (1) strategy or "strategy in general," (2) corporate strategy and (3) competitive strategy

Strategy, in general, refers to how a given objective will be achieved. Consequently, strategy in general is concerned with the relationships between ends and means Although it is not my aim to draw definitive distinctions between strategy and tactics, it is next to impossible to say something about one without also saying something about the other. The table below summarizes some of the more important differences I’ve noted in my studies and observations of strategy and tactics.

Aspects Strategy Tactics Scale of the Objective Grand Limited Scope of the Action Broad and General Narrowly Focused Guidance Provided General and Ongoing Specific and Situational Degree of Flexibility Adaptable, but not hastily changed Fluid, quick to adjust and adapt in minor or major ways Timing in Relation to Action Before Action During Action Focus of Resource Utilization Deployment Employment

Strategy and tactics are both terms that come to us from the military. Their use in business and other civilian enterprises has required little adaptation as far as strategy in general is concerned, however, corporate strategy and competitive strategy do represent significant departures from the military meaning of strategy.

Corporate versus Competitive Strategy Corporate strategy defines the markets and the businesses in which a company will operate. Competitive or business strategy defines for a given business the basis on which it will compete. Corporate strategy is typically decided in the context of defining the company’s mission and vision, that is, saying what the company does, why it exists, and what it is intended to become. Competitive strategy hinges on a company’s capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses in relation to market characteristics and the corresponding capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of its competitors. According to Michael Porter, a Harvard Business School professor and the reigning guru of competitive strategy, competition within an industry is driven by five basic factors:

Threat of new entrants. Threat of substitute products or services. Bargaining power of suppliers. Bargaining power of buyers. Rivalry among existing firms. Porter also indicates that, in response to these five factors, competitive strategy can take one of three generic forms: (1) focus, (2) differentiation and (3) cost leadership.

Other Factors Affecting Corporate and Competitive Strategy Other writers on the subject of strategy point to several factors that can serve as the basis for formulating corporate and competitive strategy. These factors include:

Products-services offered

Sales-marketing methods

Users-customers served

Distribution methods

Market types and needs

Natural resources

Production capacity-capability

Size/growth goals


Return/profit goals

Recently, "value disciplines" have been suggested as the basis for settling on strategy (corporate or competitive). The three basic "value disciplines" are:

Operational Excellence

Strategy is predicated on the production and delivery of products and services. The objective is to lead the industry in terms of price and convenience. 
Customer Intimacy Strategy is predicated on tailoring and shaping products and services to fit an increasingly fine definition of the customer. The objective is long-term customer loyalty and long-term customer profitability. 
Product Leadership Strategy is predicated on producing a continuous stream of state-of-the-art products and services. The objective is the quick commercialization of new ideas. 

Some Fundamental Questions Regardless of the definition of strategy, or the many factors affecting the choice of corporate or competitive strategy, there are some fundamental questions to be asked and answered. These include the following:

Related to Mission & Vision Who are we? What do we do? Why are we here? What kind of company are we? What kind of company do we want to become? What kind of company must we become?

Related to Strategy in General What is our objective? What are the ends we seek? What is our current strategy, implicit or explicit? What courses of action might lead to the ends we seek? What are the means at our disposal? How are our actions restrained and constrained by the means at our disposal? What risks are involved and which ones are serious enough that we should plan for them?

Related to Corporate Strategy What is the current strategy, implicit or explicit? What assumptions have to hold for the current strategy to be viable? What is happening in the larger, social, political, technical and financial environments? What are our growth, size, and profitability goals? In which markets will we compete? In which businesses? In which geographic areas?

Related to Competitive Strategy What is the current strategy, implicit or explicit? What assumptions have to hold for the current strategy to be viable? What is happening in the industry, with our competitors, and in general? What are our growth, size, and profitability goals? What products and services will we offer? To what customers or users? How will the selling/buying decisions be made? How will we distribute our products and services? What technologies will we employ? What capabilities and capacities will we require? Which ones are core? What will we make, what will we buy, and what will we acquire through alliance? What are our options? On what basis will we compete?

Summary The preceding discussion asserts that strategy in general is concerned with how, with courses of action intended to achieve particular objectives. Corporate strategy is concerned with choices and commitments regarding markets, business and the very nature of the company itself. Competitive strategy is concerned with competitors and the basis of competition. These basic points are illustrated in Figure 3.

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