Aulus Clodius Flaccuss

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Flaccuss was a prominent politician in Pompeii who lived around the turn of the milenium. As well as inscriptions on his tombstone and weights and ,measures table there were advertisements for games given in 1 BC by Aulus Clodius Flaccus stating that events would be held in the amphitheatre and the forum

His tombstone inscription is long, suggesting at his importance. Aulus Clodius Flaccus, son of Aulus, Menenia tribe, elected duumvir three times, once as quinquennial magistrate, elected military tribune by the people. During his first duumvirate, he offered the ludi Apollinares including a procession in the forum, bulls, bullfighters and their helpers, three pairs of pontarii fighters, group boxers and Greek- style boxers, all plays and musical pantomimes with Pylades. And he paid 10,000 sesterces to the public treasury in return for holding the duumvirate. During his second duumvirate, as quinequennial magistrate, he provided the ludi Apollinares including a procession in the forum, bulls, bullfighters and their helpers and group boxers. On the next day, on his own, in the amphitheater he provided 30 pairs of athletes, five pairs of gladiators, and with his colleague in office he provided 35 pairs of gladiators and a wild animal hunt, bulls, bullfighters, boars, bears, and other kinds of venationes . In his thirdduumvirate he provided, with his colleague, games with a first- ranked troupe with musical accompaniment. [1]

Also an inscription was found on a public weights and measures table which reads...

Aulus Clodius Flaccus, son of Aulus, and Numerius Arcaeus Arellianus Caledus, son of Numerius, duumvirs with judicial power, saw to the standardization of the measures in accordance with a decree of the town councillors[2]

Mensa Ponderaria with inscription,on west side of Forum.Photo courtesy of Ian Lycett-King. Use is subject to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License v.4 International

  2. See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2004. Pompeii: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge, H64b, p. 179.

See also Pompeii - Entertainment

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