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Empiricism: Locke, Bacon and Newton use a straightforward practical experimental approach to philosophy. For Bacon the way to advance knowledge is through sense, careful observation, induction and general truth would evolve. Prior to this Aristolian ideals were taught in universities and no new thoughts were being learned. Newton however took a more of a mathematical inductive method whereas Descartes I think therefore I am . The founding stone of empiricism development was Protestantism. It demystified the church and Stuart monarchy. Contract Theory was an anathema to the church and monarchical thinking.

Locke was the pioneer of the New Philosophy - Not so much dislike of Aristotle more rather that his thinking had not been taken further. For instance, you could find a uniform pattern to explain living organisms Atomist ie Epicurus. Aristotle was an obstacle of atomism.

Locke upset the church. He declared we are a white sheet of paper and we not born with original sin or the Mark of Cain. Instead, reflection and sensation forms our experience. Alexander Pope reflects ideas of Locke. In Education anybody can be a genius and can be educated. Learning by custom is a form of corruption. This was taken up by Mary Astil Locke gave us realism and this was reflected in the new novel types . Like Defoe in Robinson Crusoe, he witnessing things for the first time, he is an empty cabinet Also Laurence Stern; he is using Locke as a structure, giving focus to sensation like the scratching of the head. Bishop Berkeley built on Locke's work. Every idea must go back on some event in your lifetime. Berkeley says there is no idea of matter. How do you get back to matter when you only know your sensations not the physical world. Hume. Cause and effect depends on causation but you cannot see it you have to assume it. That goes back to induction. i.e The billiard ball experiment. At he time Empiricism was thought of as rule of thumb. Rational Continentalists say it was reason. Kant looked at these two strands and says experience needs a contribution from both Empiricism and Rationalism has had profound impact on politics to this day. US sees things from evidence and rationalism and imposing the right way of doing something, whereas Europeans take a more abstract approach Bertrand Russell saw himself as an empiricist when it was falling out of favor. Because of the mistake of the 19c Germans philosophy that took on empiricism . Ie deontic thinking. Locke empiricist is only probably not actual. Your sensations may be mistaken.

See Also Introduction to Philosophy#Rationalists V Empiricists

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