New Economy and Strategy Implications

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  • 1. The infomation economy depends on connectivity - the more interdependence the more valuable it becomes - Inverse pricing
  • 2. Upfront costs can be high and revenues delayed - So standards, alliances, closed source are imprtatant decisions )nce the standard is chosen then you have to compete with in it
  • 3. Sustainable CA is unlikely with technology
  • 4. Competitiion between standards/ networks is difficult to call
  • 5. Tipping Points are likely
  • 6. Network complementarities and cooperative strategies are replacing the historical idea about competition
  • 7. There is a tendency for preemptive strikes and technology races
  • 8. The effects of the new economy needs to be analysed at the technolgy, supply chain, platform and network levels

Example Does Google have a strategy. At best it could be viewed as emergent. Their people invent things and then try and work out how to make money from them

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