Operations Strategy 10 - International Operations Strategy

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!!operations in a global market

    • Capacity - which geographical location, where to siyuiate exapnad or relaocte, what about ecomicoes of scales what factors affectr it
    • Supply networks - supply from where? Close to the customers or materials or labor, X-boarder movements, cultures
    • PT - same technoloigy thruout org . Is there a support base, is it scarce, what improvemenst can be made
    • Development and organization - Different org structures across the world, what about cultures, what about performance measures - the same of diffeent

!!Why International operations

    • Access to new markets or supplies
    • Political pressure - Toyota chose France over UK becuase of cliseness to customers rather than technical skils of the labor force
    • To minimize transport costs
      • Value/weight matrix. If the vlaue is high relative to its weight then transportation is no problem. Therefore Satellite is expensive and light. peanuts are chap real;tive to their weight so location is much more important

!!Choosing to configure the operations

    • What are the CSF for the ops
    • Assess options for regional ops, customer deamnd characteristics, exposure to currency excahnge rate fluctuations
    • Assessment of the OP methodology - JOT TQM and Hard infrastructiral issues and sofy factots like education
    • rank the factors according to CSF

!!Four international operations pattersns

1 Home country pattern - sdo all ops inthe home country and export 2. Regional pattern - views the world as having similar regions of charactersistics in which to deploy operations etc 3. Coordinated global pattern - sparate ops in different regions then assembled 4. Combined regioanl and global pattern

Also - Ghoshal and Porter's Diamond of National Advantage

Whre does the money go when goods are made aborad

e.g. made in China. But only fraction of the money goes to China - some goes to workets but also retailer, distributor, supplier, marketing etc


    • Factors that influence interantional or not
    • Alternative strategies when going international
      • Cloning the op in different companies - eg Eurodisney
      • Importing customers - Eurodisnay
      • service unbundling - movingh party of the servie abroad to save costs
      • Beat the costs - locating abraod to take advantge of diffeent time zones
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